Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Mysterious Metal Pyramids of High St Northcote

On about 6 August 2013, High Street Westgarth, Northcote, saw some strange metal pyramids and shards erected in the median strip. On 19th August, Darebin Council Councillors voted to remove them again. They cost about $30,000 after a tendering process started in March 2013 won by a local branch of an 'urban design' firm, but were not actually approved by local residents or the Trader's Association (I checked). They have been widely ridiculed in the press and on social media. Aside from their aesthetic value (not my concern here) there was a widespread feeling they could be dangerous in a freak accident situation, situated at the bottom of a hill in an strip crowded with bars and restaurants. This is all something of an embarrassement, but does demonstrate the old adage that consultation with local people it is pretty much essential for all transport infrastructure. If we could only convince VicRoads of that!
(Bottom photo source: the Age)

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